Emergency Door Opening Belfast

Tips for Opening Any Locked Door
No matter the type of keys you lost, there is always a way to open your door. Of course, if you lose your keys, your worry goes beyond being locked out. You have to worry about what to do about the keys you lost, but opening your door will be your first move. So, let’s check out some tips for emergency door opening Belfast. We know you can call a locksmith in Belfast, but there are some moves you can make to get your door open. At least when you can get through the lock, then you can worry about other things like replacing the lost keys and other concerns.
Do you have a spare key? Find it.
If you misplace the keys to your home and you are not the owner of the house, then there is a chance that the property manager or landlord will have a spare key to the house. You can ring them up and request for it. But if the home is yours, you have to call a locksmith to help you with emergency door opening Belfast. This is the case particularly if you do not have a spare key. Otherwise, if you have extra keys kept somewhere, you may not need to contact a locksmith. Just pick up your spare and walk into your home.
Is there another way you can get in?
Most homes are built in a way that they usually have more than one entrance. Your lost keys will only bother you if there is no other way in other than through the main entrance. To see if there are other entries, you will have to go around your home and check if there is an open window or unlocked perimeter door. But of course, if there is an unlocked window or door, then it means you are forgetful. Perhaps that is why you lost your key. This forgetfulness could also cost you valuables being lost to burglars if a burglar should find out any of the unlocked windows or doors.
All the same, since we are looking at an emergency door opening Belfast here, we will not ask you not to try your luck with other possible open doors. But if none is open, you do not have to force anything open. Don’t try to break windows or doors because you already have a potential key replacement expense on your hands; you do not want to add an expensive window and door repairs to the list.
Find a way around your door.
What this means is to find a way to unlock the door without breaking down the door. Try getting to the other side similar to how you would with a locked car. Find a tool that slips through a gap in the door and use the tool to manipulate or pull a thumb-turn. If there is a window close to the door, you can check to see if you are making any headway. However, if you use a double-sided deadbolt to lock the door, this will not work.
If there is no gap in your door, then revisit the alternate entrance tip. Go around your house to see if the other doors or windows can be manipulated. You can use something like a metal cloth hanger to do this. But, make sure it is not too flexible so you can have the needed torque to turn the door lock. If, by now you haven’t made any headway, move to the next tip.
Get in touch with a professional
If these tips to open your door didn’t work, your next move should be to call an expert locksmith. 24-hour Belfast Locksmith is a capable hand to call on if you are in this situation.
For any issues bordering around lost keys, a locksmith is the most effective and fastest way to have them resolved. A locksmith can get around any lock and protection that you have put up in your home. Even if your security measures are state-of-the-art, they can bypass every one of those measures in an emergency door opening Belfast.
The truth is, a locksmith will not come over with a key to open your lock. They will most likely destroy your lock but having a locksmith destroy your lock is way better than doing it yourself as you may end up doing more damage than necessary. If they destroy anything at all, they will replace and repair it. They will also come with the required tools like lock keys and bump keys to open the door. All of these will further make sure you do not end up spending a lot of money to gain access into your house.
Problems that can arise from losing your keys
Applying too much force to open a locked door can damage the lock, its mechanism, or the door entirely.
While trying to find a way around your door lock, you may not find something rigid enough that can go through a gap in the door to manipulate the door’s thumb-turn. Your door may not even have a gap to slide anything through.
Taking measures meant to be taken by a professional by yourself could mean you are jeopardizing your home’s security with your own hands.
For a professional locksmith that can help with emergency door Belfast, contact 24-hour Belfast Locksmith on 02895 320646.